⦃param⦄ is an outcome of research on blockchain for commerce over the last 4 years by sister company of Divum. Founded by a team of successful entrepreneurs and guided by top-notch blockchain professionals around the globe. ⦃param⦄ is a blockchain protocol that has been developed to ease the exchange of documents securely over the blockchain without the overheads of forming a consortium.

⦃param⦄ offers the b2b commerce platform, powering the new age business collaborations to accelerate Accounts payable /Accounts receivable processes with a solution that provides 360- degree visibility over the order lifecycle. ⦃param⦄ can be easily integrated with major ERP /TMS/

SCM tools so that enterprise users never need to learn any new tools. We ensure seamless integration within the existing ecosystem, to facilitate the data push and pull between multiple stakeholders.


⦃param⦄ offers the b2b commerce platform, powering the new-age business collaborations to accelerate Accounts payable /Accounts receivable processes with a solution that provides 360- degree visibility over the order lifecycle.

⦃param⦄ is about automated information sharing between suppliers/customers and enterprise using encrypted technology. The application will be installed on enterprise ERP environment and Vendor/Customer ERP system to enable seamless data exchange based on transactions recorded in either’s ERP system.

⦃param⦄ built on blockchain & semantic web technologies allows enterprises to send and receive invoices directly from their ERP systems to SMB without any manual email or PDF processing. Thanks to the blockchain technology, the sharing of the document are highly secure & tamper-proof.

These information would typically include quotation, Purchase Order, Shipment tracking, Invoice status, debit/credit notes and payment and other details as may be configured based on need. This greatly accelerates the data exchange, dispute management & reconciliation between parties.

Keeping the above considerations in mind, it is decided that QR code based tags would be the ideal choice of technology for this purpose.

Full & Advanced Data Protection -

Like any other Private or consortium blockchain, the documents are transferred between "Private" nodes on a dedicated Private point-to-point connection without any data being transmitted on the public network. The encryption standards should meet the large enterprise security/privacy requirements. Over and above, to offer a superior network security, ⦃param⦄ deploys SD-WAN technology to interconnect enterprises with the blockchain network.

Enhanced Ledger for Commerce -

⦃param⦄ natively understands commerce documents such as Purchase Orders and Invoice documents, which enables smart contracts to be written at a granular level with the knowledge of current transaction states and particulars in detail.

Decentralised Knowledge Graph -

⦃param⦄ use Web 4.0 standards to digitise the document and share over the network. Web4.0 allows documents to be captured with Semantics, which allows ⦃param⦄ node to construct a collective knowledge graph pertained to data-set stored on a node. This enables faster data queries, data-driven solutions including advanced dashboards and machine-learning capabilities to be unlocked on blockchain applications.

Full & Advanced Data Protection -

Like any other Private or consortium blockchain, the documents are transferred between "Private" nodes on a dedicated Private point-to-point connection without any data being transmitted on the public network. The encryption standards should meet the large enterprise security/privacy requirements. Over and above, to offer a superior network security, ⦃param⦄ deploys SD-WAN technology to interconnect enterprises with the blockchain network.

Enhanced Ledger for Commerce -

⦃param⦄ natively understands commerce documents such as Purchase Orders and Invoice documents, which enables smart contracts to be written at a granular level with the knowledge of current transaction states and particulars in detail.

Decentralised Knowledge Graph -

⦃param⦄ use Web 4.0 standards to digitise the document and share over the network. Web4.0 allows documents to be captured with Semantics, which allows ⦃param⦄ node to construct a collective knowledge graph pertained to data-set stored on a node. This enables faster data queries, data-driven solutions including advanced dashboards and machine-learning capabilities to be unlocked on blockchain applications.

Seamless ERP Integration -

The platform comes with reference document convertors and API that can be easily customized and integrated in major ERP / EDI Softwares.

File-Transfer protocol :

IPFS based file transfer and storage support.